Crook and Marker Beer, Flavored, Blackberry Lime, Spiked & Sparkling
No. 07. Alcoholic sparkling beverage with blackberry lime flavor & other natural flavors. Bold flavor. Sweetened from natural sources. Zero sugar. A source of vitamin B12. Zero sugar & less than 1g net carbs. Less than 1 g net carbohydrate. (Erythritol carbs have no calories or effect on blood sugar). Gluten free. Naturally gluten free, non-GMO & vegan. Certified Organic by Natural Food Certifiers. Made with ancient grain & tropical root organic alcohol. 0% juice. No artificial flavors and sweeteners. No artificial preservatives or added sulfites. Color from natural ingredients. Contains alcohol. Raise your crook. Be unbound. Our Basebrew process produces beverages made with organic alcohol from ancient grains and tropical cassava root purely distinctive, smooth and satisfying. Drink mindfully. Be unbound. - M. Bartley, C&M artisan brewmaster. Perfectly polished & finely filtered. Facebook; Instagram; YouTube; Twitter. (at)crookandmarker. (hashtag)beunbound. 4% alc./vol.