Gourmet kettle corn that's been hit with a cinnamon stick. No trans-fatty acids. Low fat. All natural. LesserStory: We love snacks. Really love them. One day we tried this kettle corn a chef friend made. It was awesome. The beauty of it was he made it without many of the unhealthy you find in similar snacks. So we joined him in the kitchen and starting playing around with interesting ingredients - with real foods. No one wanted preservatives, trans-fatty acids or artificial flavors, so we kept them out. Some of us wanted versions that wouldn't have high carb sugars. Others didn't mind a little natural sugar but wanted to avoid all that highly processed stuff like corn syrup. So we made two different lines: one with a lower carb sweetener and another with an all-natural sweetener. So choose your LesserEvil! And if you get a chance let us know what you think, we'd love to hear from you. LesserExplanation: So what makes SinNamon sinfully better? Did you ever taste something delicious that reminds you of your childhood? Well, SinNamon can do just that. A rich, real cinnamon taste, combined with a touch of the past that delivers a salty-sweet memory. You won't need to wait for Saturday morning cartoons to want to dive into this box - SinNamon is great for all kinds of snacking. Pass the remote and the SinNamon please! Gluten free. Whole grain.